You’ll rarely get lost in Granblue Fantasy: Relink‘s linear story. It’s always go here, watch epic cutscenes, and defeat the bad guys. But once Chapter 0 hits, the “Finish the jobs Rolan started” quest objective feels a bit ambiguous.
Now we know what Rolan was doing while we took care of his astral demon mommy issues for him — he’s just killing a bunch of Slime Kings and protecting Hollow Grounds from hordes of goblins. If you just hit Chapter 0 and you’re not sure what to do next, then you’ve come to the right place. I, too, started clearing Counter Quests only to have that 2/8 tracker remain unchanged. In this guide, I’ll show you how to clear the objective Finish the Jobs Rolan Started in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Related: How to Get Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink
How to Complete Finish the Jobs Rolan Started in Granblue Fantasy: Relink

To finish the jobs Rolan started, complete all 10 Hard, 9 Very Hard, and 10 Extreme challenges from the Counter Quests in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
It’s easy to mistake the eight quests listed under Hard for the eight jobs Rolan started. However, as it turns out, Rolan had actually started 24 jobs, which are distributed into the Hard, Very Hard, and Extreme difficulty categories.
Here is every job you should complete either solo or in Co-Op mode to Finish the Jobs Rolan Started in Granblue Fantasy: Relink:
Hard Quests

- Rule the Skies
- Unthinning the Troops
- The Juice of Jealousy
- Protect the Rep
- Delts of Our Lives
- Collector’s Digest
- I See a Flaming Vision
- Hide and Chic
- Drumsticks Au Chicken
- Looming Tower, Leering Eye
Very Hard Quests

- Seeds of Trouble
- Wings of Antiquity
- A Bone to Peak
- Absolutely No Trespassers!
- Dark Refrain
- Golemology 102: Volcanic Golems
- No One Likes Leftovers
- I See a Deathly Vision
- The Next Hot Topic
Extreme Quests

- Licence to Thrill
- Assault Formation!
- Great Goblins of Fire
- Shedding Light on the Pillar
- Saga Illustrated: Beginning
- General Investigation: Gallanza
- General Investigation: Maglielle
- Learning from the Past
- Saga Illustrated: Inferno
- General Investigation: Id
The difficulty categories unlock progressively; when you’re done with Hard, you’ll unlock Very Hard, and so on. Completing each page of quests leads to a Rank-Up quest and a story cutscene in which we see Id get comfortable in the shoes of Mr. Fix It.
Once you’re done with them all, you’ll complete Finish the Jobs Rolan Started in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. This will also complete Chapter 0, which unlocks Maniac Difficulty and the Whitewing Key. Time to crack those chests open!